Having read the correspondence expressing various opinions about the possibility of a cable car being built on the hills, I feel it necessary to write a few words to show why the project is totally out of the question.

The Malvern Hills and commons are under the jurisdiction on the Malvern Hills Conservators, a body constituted by Act of Parliament in 1884 to preserve the wildlife, protect commoners rights and keep them open for the recreation and enjoyment of the public.

The terms of the Act were carefully drawn up by the original body of local people and submitted as a draft for the approval of Parliament.

There have been four Acts since that date to bring things up to date and remove some anomalies, the last in 1995.

Among the terms of that At was a submission that the burned down café at the top of the Worcestershire Beacon should be rebuilt.

This was refused by the House of Lords committee as the original café had been built on common land before the Conservators were given the powers to manage the land and any building has been forbidden ever since.

The Conservators are not responsible for this decision; it is enshrined in the Acts of Parliament.

It follows that to build a cable car another Act of Parliament would have to be passed including a request to build it.

The cost of an new Act of Parliament would be much in excess of the half a million pounds that the last Act cost, and then permission would be much less likely to be obtained than it was for just another café.

It follows that the project to build a cable car is simply a non-starter and much effort which is being expended in deliberations and in bringing in expert advisers must be abandoned.

The idea that if enough pressure is applied opposition will be overcome will not work against Her Majesty’s government.

Dudley Brook
