AN article on Page 3 of the Ledbury Reporter (August 15) headed "Debate over iconic building proposal" says "The Market House would become the main heritage centre, with the installation of a lift...".

My understanding is that this has yet to be decided and that the people of Ledbury will be consulted and their views taken into consideration before any decision is made.

As you know, there is considerable opposition within the town to the idea of desecrating this iconic grade I-listed building through the addition of a modern lift.

I hope the town council's agreement to the multiple asset transfer of the six properties concerned does not mean Ledbury Places can now ignore the wishes of Ledbury people in pursuit of its goals.

I am all for the town securing grant funding to maintain its stock of fine historic buildings but not if this means the Market House is ruined in the process.

This is not primarily a debate about disabled access, it is about maintaining the integrity of our historic architecture.

I say no to the idea of a lift. Preservation, not desecration!

Derek Phillips
