IN response to the former town councillor Martin Lawrence's letter (April 10), I have one answer, which is yes!

Assuming there are no factors which disallow a district councillor from 1) requesting a published code of conduct for council officers, which will be available for public scrutiny upon request, 2) pressing for public access to the council offices and services to be on a par with that practised at Wychavon, and 3) proposing a full council review of the complaints policy, and the power of officers to amend said policy, and the terms under which it may be invoked, without first seeking the consent of the full council, I will be happy to make these my first commitments, should I be elected to serve for the Link ward.

After all, a local council is not an arm of the secret service, and therefore every endeavour should be made by all councillors to ensure maximum transparency, because it is the public we serve, not ourselves.

Will Richards

UKIP candidate

Link ward