A TEMPORARY army bridge on the Bromyard Road, while repairs are carried out on the Victorian Storesbrook Bridge, would hinder the work rather than help it, according to Herefordshire Council.

And it would also bump up costs.

The idea has been considered, with the road closure set to stretch all through the winter into April; but it has been firmly ruled out.

A council spokesman said: “Some members of the local community suggested last year that that an army bridge be installed as a temporary measure. This was not practicable.

“A temporary bridge is not a viable option at Storesbrook because it would obstruct the necessary works to prepare and install the new permanent bridge deck. The installation of a temporary bridge at a different location, along with the necessary foundations and access roads, would come at significant cost, require additional time and a range of further environmental approvals."

And an army bridge would not be idea for civilian traffic.

The spokesman added: "Military bridges are typically reserved for use in response to civil emergencies, and the works at Storesbrook are planned renewal works.

"These temporary measures are intended specifically for military use, and do not readily provide a safe and acceptable bridge for all civilian use. The ongoing works are the most cost-effective way of installing a new bridge deck at Storesbrook, keeping road closure time to a minimum."