THIS was the scene when the first ever 30th birthday party for a British Heart Foundation shop took place in Herefordshire.

The Leominster store was the second BHF charity shop to open, but with the first one not surviving until now, this was the first time a 30th anniversary had been reached.

Staff and volunteers taking part in the celebrations were told that during those three decades it had raised almost £2m.

Among the partygoers were two volunteers who have been there from the start and Jan Lockett, who underwent a heart transplant in 2011 and is now an active fundraiser and campaigner to get people onto the transplant register.

Jan, aged 56, suffered a series of heart attacks and strokes back in the late 1990s because of damage done to her heart from chemotherapy treatment she received for bone cancer when she was just 14.

She started fundraising for the BHF back in 1981 because of a history of heart problems in the family.