CONCERNS have been raised about the poor state of the Town Trail in Ledbury, but major improvements are on the cards.

The trail is owned by Herefordshire Council, but work to enhance the trail, which follows a disused railway line, looks set to be carried out by both the county and town council.

Worries about the pathway have been expressed by Ledbury resident, Edd Hogan, who said: “I know the wet weather is no friend to footpaths but my weekend walk along the trail was a mudbath. The hardcore base has more or less disappeared along large sections and the mud is thick in many places. Added to this, the trees that line the trail are very over-grown and in some places unsafe. This is evidenced by the regular fallen branches. The Town Trail could be a fantastic linear park if only it were loved. The lack of maintenance over many years has led to its current state and the failure to renew and maintain the paths means that the trail is under-used. It is used, but this is by dog walkers mostly. The footbridge doesn’t comply with access legislation and the litter bins are damaged or have missing parts. It is sad to see the town trail in this dilapidated state and I only hope that the county council and town council can work together and prioritise a sustained programme of investment.”

Town clerk, Angela Price, issued a statement for the town council, which said: “Whilst the ownership of, and authority to maintain, the pathway is Herefordshire Country Council’s, as a Town Council we are open to ways that we can help. We are currently awaiting a response regarding a License to Cultivate, so that we can help improve the surroundings of the trail. We have added this item to the Agenda for the next meeting of the Economic Development and Planning Committee.

“The Town Council has considered a detailed report on the rubbish bins along the Trail and anticipate including funding in the budget for the next three years with a view to replacing bins on the trail.”

She added: “At a recent meeting with Herefordshire Council contractor, Balfour Beatty, Ledbury’s mayor Cllr Phillip Howells was advised that works to widen the bridge on the Town Trail are scheduled to be carried out in the near future.”