Whilst I applaud and concur with the politically engaged younger generation who are taking direct action and drawing our attention to the climate crisis could I ask that they take a long hard look closer to home.

My focus here (for want of a better word) is the incandescent 70s energy-sucking horrible yellow lights that shine up into the night sky at the Ludlow & Hereford College, then add in the Sixth Form College with hideous white night lights and the Aylestone School all using enough night time lighting to land an aircraft and surely must be visible from space or, designed to imitate broad daylight.


Why ignoring Extinction Rebellion's message is dangerous

Broadlands Lane should be renamed Broad Daylight Lane. This mindless wasteful use of energy is incredibly inconsiderate and destructive to not only the protected bats who are adversely affected by these hideous lights, and to other species who have lost their nocturnal habitat, but also the long suffering neighbours who cannot even see the night sky due to this onslaught burning out our retinas.

I know I need to get out more, but something needs to be done about this. Maybe picketing your own college car park you young rebellion rebels . Lord knows I’ve tried and all I get is excuses about security and safety. Very lame and so yesterday.

Oh and I’m still spitting about another 4.9% council tax increase.

Turn the lights off. Might save a bit of our hard-earned council taxpayers' money.

Jeffrey J Hancorn


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