Open Day at Hellens - A History in Stitches

On Thursday 31st March, Hellens are having an Open day to showcase the progress of an ambitious project ‘A History in Stitches’.

The 10 metre long crewelwork embroidery illustrates the story of Hellens Manor from its mention in the Doomsday book until the Pandemic of 2020/21.

It has been developed, researched, drawn, and embroidered by Heritage volunteers from Ross, Hereford and Malvern Art Societies.

The project began in 2017 and several key events have been completed: the Battle of Crecy, the 12th century revolution, the Courts Baron. But this work will also show trees, flowers, birds, animals, workmen, buildings and so much more.

It will be some years before this epic project is completed and hung in the Minstrels’ Gallery at Hellens, so this is a chance to enjoy the progress of this wonderful project to date.

As well as the free exhibition, open from 10.30 until 3pm, tours of the House will be available (book online) and Hellens tearoom will be open for refreshments.

Further details can be found at