HEREFORDSHIRE celebrity Richard Hammond has posted a deep and personal video in which he shares what it was like during his coma after a near-fatal crash.

Hammond had a brain injury after, what he described as, a "flamboyant" crash in the Vampire jet car in 2006.

He has revealed what went on in his mind during his time in hospital.

At the beginning of the video, he said: "This is a story about places, about going places in your mind, and I suppose about the power of daydreams."


He told of a dream he had in which he found himself walking in the Lake District overlooking Buttermere.

In the YouTube video he is sat by a tree that he said was in his dream.

Hammond shared that he had an overwhelming sense that he was in trouble, like the feeling he had when he was a teenager staying out too late, he said.

"That feeling grew and grew," said Hammond.

As he got closer to the tree, it got worse.


Meanwhile, his wife Mindy was being told he wasn't "looking good" in intensive care.

Mrs Hammond asked the doctor if she could shout at him, and as she roared and screamed at him, he turned away from the tree in his dream and woke up.

He believes the dream could have been so vivid due to the morphine, he shares in the video.

"I mean I didn't really walk up to this tree; I was in a coma in Leeds," he said.

"But my mind did, and my mind is who I am, having damaged it, and spent a long time recovering.

"I have taken huge solace from that ever since because that was my last thought.

"My last thought took me somewhere I love, somewhere I'm happy, and that last thought, if I had shut down would have echoed for all of eternity."

He has found immense comfort from the dream ever since, and regularly passes the tree when he walks in the Lake District most months, he said.

"One day I will walk round this tree, nice to know where it is."

In a tweet sharing the video, he said: "Felt risky making this video; it's very personal. But I hope it means something to you."