Ledbury police say they are committed to tackling anti-social behaviour in a town park.

Officers are regularly patrolling the Recreation Ground as well as targeting repeat offenders.

An increase in anti-social behaviour at the park has led to calls for a park keeper - something the town council will be discussing in the New Year.

Councillor Tony Bradford has said that “something needs to be done”, adding: “The police don’t have the resources to be there all the time.”

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Inspector James Ashton, who oversees Ledbury’s Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), said: “We are committed to dealing with the long term impact of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and the SNT routinely patrols the park, engages with children and visitors and will address any reports they are made aware of.

“Aside from the SNT, Ledbury Police Station also hosts a 24/7 patrol team, which will deal with reports dynamically, in the event that the SNT is not on duty.

“We also work closely with the Herefordshire Problem Solving Team, also based at Ledbury, which comprises specialist officers who identify repeat offenders, locations and causes of ASB.

“With their assistance we are able to identify and target repeat offenders and locations and also provide engagement to reduce offending for young people on the fringes of disruptive activity.”

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It is that “disruptive activity” that Cllr Bradford is hoping to tackle with his idea for a park keeper, who he says will be fully qualified, wear a body cam and work with police.

Insp Ashton said: “The Safer Neighbourhood Team in Ledbury has not been involved in any official discussions regarding plans for a park keeper.

“However, we have a productive and close relationship with the parish council, who we engage with on a regular basis.

“I am confident that, if this becomes a matter for their discussion, they will raise it with us.”

The town council has set up a Task and Finish Group to investigate the park keeper idea. It will report to the Environment and Leisure Committee with its recommendations in the New Year.