Ledbury residents are being given the chance to take speeding concerns into their own hands.

A Community Speed Watch scheme is being set up in the town.

The scheme has the backing of Ledbury Town Council and will be co-ordinated by West Mercia Police.

But it will need to be managed and run by volunteers.

Community Speed Watch schemes are designed to encourage people to take an active role in road safety in their area.

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They can be set up in partnership with the police in areas where there are concerns about speeding.

Councillor Mal Hughes, in Ledbury Town Council’s spring newsletter, said: “The aim of CSW is to encourage motorists to drive at a safe and appropriate speed, reduce speed in areas of concern such as near schools, re-educate drivers about the dangers of speeding and address concerns from local residents about cars speeding through their neighbourhood.

“At specified safe locations, volunteers monitor the speed of passing vehicles with a handheld speed detection device.

“Offending vehicles’ details are recorded on a log sheet, the make/model and registration number of the vehicle and the speed recorded by the handheld device.

READ MORE: Fed up residents take matters in their own hands to stop speeding drivers

“Log sheets are submitted to West Mercia Police and warning letters are sent to the registered keepers with advice on safer driving.

“Before a scheme can be established in Ledbury, we will need to recruit a co-ordinator and at least six volunteers. Schemes are open to anyone aged 17 or over.

“Volunteers will only be accepted onto a scheme once appropriate checks have been carried out.”

Anyone interested in taking part is asked to email Cllr Hughes, who is the town council’s police liaison councillor, at mhughes@ledburytowncouncil.gov.uk

When carrying out speed checks, at least three volunteers are needed - one to operate the speed gun, one to concentrate on registration plates and one to look out for the make and models of cars.