HEAVY rain has caused disruption in Ledbury, including the closure of a major road and the flooding of buildings and electrical problems.

West Mercia Police has said they and Highways have been dealing with 'huge areas of flood water' on the A438 at Eastwood, Tarrington near Ledbury.

Yesterday road closures were put in place and drivers were warned to avoid the area.



The were four calls in quick succession yesterday evening to properties in Ledbury, between 8.12pm and 8.39pm, attended by crews from Hereford and Fownhope, to deal with flooding of internal electrics.

A spokesperson for the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service said: "In two cases, the problem was caused by blocked storm drains and a mini ejector pump was used. In the third call, water was diverted from the property using soil with the remainder of the water being cleared from the property using a mini ejector pump. There were no casualties at any of the incidents and no other emergency services were called.

"One call to Aylton near Ledbury at 8.12pm was to flooding of internal electrics, which was dealt with by the crew from Ledbury.

"Flooding entered a building approximately 5m by 10m and this was pumped out using a light portable pump and the drains were unblocked. There were no casualties or other emergency services required."