Tributes from across the political spectrum have been paid to Golden Valley South councillor Peter Jinman OBE, who passed away yesterday aged 72.

Conservative MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire Jesse Norman tweeted:

Incredibly sad to learn today of the death of Peter Jinman. What a wonderful, warm, wise, clever man he was. A superb vet, a superb Herefordshire Councillor, a superb human being. Very proud to have known him, and had him as a friend.

Coun Jinman’s Independents for Herefordshire (i4H) colleagues said in a statement that he “brought a wealth of experience and insight to the group and to the council”.

With his many years in veterinary practice, Peter Jinman’s knowledge of disease management and transmission “proved invaluable to cabinet and to the council throughout the Covid pandemic and during episodes of bird flu”, they said.


Flags at half-mast as death of Herefordshire councillor confirmed

They also praise his work locally in the Golden Valley, where he championed efforts to reopen a railway station at Pontrilas.

The group explained that Coun Jinman had been diagnosed with cancer last December, but chose to stand for re-election earlier this month after receiving a good prognosis.

“Sadly, Peter and his family then learned of a further cancer diagnosis and were advised that the unexpected, sudden and very rapid deterioration in his health which had recently occurred might be terminal,” the explained.

“Peter died peacefully in the early hours of May 25 at St Michael’s Hospice near Hereford in the company of his family. We send our deep condolences and best wishes to Peter’s family and friends at this sad time.”

Former council leader for i4H David Hitchiner added: “Peter had a formidable intellect, but one which was never overpowering. He used it with humility, for the common good.”

Green Party councillor Diana Toynbee tweeted:

Dreadfully sad news about a colleague we valued so highly, for his wisdom, knowledge, independent mind, love of animals and commitment to #Herefordshire.

All this, and an exceptionally kind, thoughtful man who made us laugh a lot. My thoughts are with Peter and his family.

Liberal Democrat leader Terry James called him a “wise and respected councillor, who brought insight from his many years at the top of his profession”.

Labour’s recent election candidate for Leominster South Nick Comley said: “RIP Peter, a great servant for Ewyas Harold and a true gentleman.”

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