The children of Eastnor Parochial Primary School were recently commended for their entry to RHS Malvern Spring Festival’s School Garden Challenge.

The theme of the 2023 challenge for schools was ‘Bring a Book to Life’ and the children of Eastnor decided to focus their design on the beautiful Romani tale ‘Ossiri and the Bala Mengro’ by Richard O’Neill and Katharine Quarmby. This text is one which has been studied by the school’s Year 1 and 2 class during English lessons and has become a firm favourite.

The process for the garden design began early in the academic year, with children and staff working together to create a garden inspired by the heart-warming story of a young girl called Ossiri, who charms an ogre with music produced by her unique instrument the Tattin Django.

The garden, with highlights such as a wagon built by the children and a treble clef planted in pansies, evoked the feeling of harmony between music and nature. Children in all year groups were involved in the creation of the garden with the help of staff and many volunteers. A huge thank you to Bradfords Building Supplies and Amcor for their very generous sponsorship. Thanks also go to the team at RHS Malvern Spring Festival and School Garden Challenge Champion, Chris Collins.