A vintage bicycle owned by Wigmore resident Brian Ardy will star alongside The Repair Shop's Jay Blades in a documentary about the industrial history of Birmingham and the Black Country.

Mr Ardy, Secretary of the Hereford section of the Veteran-Cycle Club, recently supplied the vintage 1913 Royal Sunbeam for filming at Wolverhampton Wanderers' Molineux Stadium where he was delighted to find out he could watch.

The location had been selected as Sunbeams were manufactured in Wolverhampton and Molineux Park hosted cycle racing before the development of the stadium.


When Mr Ardy took the bicycle to Wolverhampton he was unsure about arrangements for the day, and became a little concerned, when it became clear that Jay Blades would be riding, because he is 6 foot 3 inches tall and the bike, which is in original condition, was really too small for him. But, Mr Ardy said, the saddle was raised and Jay proved to be a very adept cyclist.

He was filmed riding in front of the Stan Cullis Stand, into the stadium and along the touchline. Numerous takes were necessary and the whole morning was spent filming the sequence.

Mr Ardy reported that Jay Blades was as charming in real life as he appears on television, greeting passers by and posing for photographs. After chatting to several members of a Wolves Senior Citizens group he said he would pop into their meeting later in the day, and when filming finished he was as good as his word and gave a presentation to the group. The documentary is part of a series which will air on Channel 5 next year. The V-CC runs monthly rides in and around Herefordshire. For more about the club, email brian.ardy@outlook.com.