CHILDREN at Ashperton School have been busy developing a wildflower meadow at Baggard's Field.

The patch of land will soon be teaming with wildflowers and other plants

Chris Bandfield headteacher said: “The first stage of developing Baggard's Field into a species rich wildflower meadow has been completed.

“As you may know, since the 1930s, we’ve lost 97% of our wildflower meadows in the UK, which is a staggering amount and we are delighted to be able to involve our children in a project of this significance.

“If all goes to plan, this meadow will form an important part of our curriculum.

“This would not have been possible without the generous donation of green hay (seeds) and advice from Jonathan Bills, the unstinting support of the trustees of Ashperton Consolidated Charities, Kim Parsons from AGRECO (Contractors) and support and funding from Herefordshire Meadows.

“Many thanks to all of the parents who offered support with machinery etc.

“Here are some more wonderful pictures of our children enjoying the wildlife we already have on offer here at Ashperton.

"We cannot wait for our wild flower meadow to grow to see what new species appear."