A DOG poo bin is to be removed and dogs could be banned from a popular Herefordshire spot... due to too much dog poo.

Warnings about dog fouling in The Community Meadow in Yarpole have been issued through the summer, with a notice published by council clerk Maggie Brown in the July edition of The Parishioner, the local parish magazine, warning that dogs could be banned from the field. 

The notice said that the council's mowing contractor has had to wash clothing and machinery after a recent visit, as a result of people not picking up their dog's poo.


"This is unacceptable," the warning notice read.

"If all dog owners cannot be persuaded to pick up faeces every time their pet defecates at the Meadow, the parish council will have to consider a difficult, and most likely extremely unpopular decision to stop dog owners using the Meadow for exercising their pets.

"The Meadow is not a dog-walking field, but an asset for everyone to enjoy."

Ms Brown went on to say that all faeces should be picked up and placed in the bin provided, in the Herefordshire Council-owned bin on Green Lane, or taken home.

But, a meeting of Yarpole Group Parish Council heard in September, despite notices being installed and the information published in The Parishioner, the waste bin, which the council said costs locals up to £1,820 annually, is being misused and overfilled.

The council said it was not considered wise to empty the bin more frequently than fortnightly due to the cost, and it was resolved that the bin should be removed from the Meadow.

"Dog owners will be asked to take faeces home or use the bin on the corner of Green Lane," the meeting minutes said.