CONTROVERSIAL comments about men's mental health and plans for a Men's Shed have caused upset in Ledbury.

Ledbury town councillor Tony Bradford recently remarked that Men's Sheds, support groups for retired men to make friends and help their mental health, were "discriminatory". 

In a meeting on September 28 which discussed the council's plans to set up a Men's Shed in Ledbury, he said: "I don't need help as a man."


Dr Simon Lennane, a GP working in the nearby town of Ross-on-Wye, said: "I'm sad to see these ignorant comments.

"Men are at higher risk of suicide and early death. The nature of the Sheds' effectiveness is that men communicate better shoulder to shoulder."

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Councillor Helen I'Anson, the mayor of Ledbury, told the Hereford Times: "I am upset that this does not reflect the feelings of other councillors who were at the meeting.

"Councillor Bradford's comments are not reflective of the council. The council are very much in support of the Men's Shed and hope that a group can be created as soon as possible."

Men's Sheds are designed to benefit men's health and wellbeing, and the UK Men's Shed Association campaigns for every man who could benefit from it to have access to a Shed.