THIS is an open letter to Herefordshire Council.

I rise, metaphorically, to bring to your attention a matter of grave and pressing concern that strikes at the foundations of civic responsibility and public trust.


I speak, of course, of the potholes that have turned the roads of our fair county into treacherous gauntlets of danger.

These roads have been left to fester, pockmarked and cratered, resembling more a battlefield than the byways of a civilised society.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Time and again, we have witnessed your hasty, slapdash patching—a perfunctory nod to duty that insults those who must navigate these hazardous stretches. I implore you to cease the feeble, ineffectual half measures that have brought us to this sorry state.

The time for dithering has long passed. We demand a comprehensive, unflinching strategy to address the root causes of our roadways’ degradation. Only then, when every inch of tarmac is restored to its rightful state, can the people of Herefordshire begin to reclaim the confidence in those elected to serve them.

