IN response to Cliff Slade's letter (July 25), I thank Chris for his complimentary and kind words about Yarrantons Bus and Coach service, now in its centenary year serving Tenbury Wells district.

Regarding the issue with the Tenbury unique bridge, I agree with Cliff that there is no real solution: the bridge was there long before the motor car.

There is one thing I would suggest is to close the footpath on the east side of the bridge, in which case a pedestrian crossing would be needed at each end of the bridge.The road could then be widened a little.

This would then avoid these needless crashes that occur, quite often resulting in congestion and traffic delays.

Changing the subject, I return to the issue of the “oldies”.

I was just beginning to cool off after the recent nonsense of dribbling chins my but my temper has shot up to boiling point again.

Regarding his remarks that anyone over the age of 60 should be put in a holding area then transferred on to a mobile scooter and then released into special mobility lanes. Is he serious or just taking the mickey?

In any case, the biggest hazard we face is pedestrians walking towards us texting, taking selfies and talking on their phones.

As Piers Morgan is fond of saying, the world has gone nuts.

I have two scooters. One for Tenbury, the second is left-hand drive for continental holidays.

I say to Cliff, Lay off us oldies!

Les Yarranton

Tenbury Wells

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