One of the serious effects of the imposition of lockdown implemented by this government is the hugely significant and quite disastrous effect upon many people’s working lives.

So many small businesses are dependent upon a regular financial turnover and without such they will cease to exist.

Those businesses employ small numbers of people who now have no regular income. Some major companies are in a similar situation. Those people being laid off and the many who are self-employed are already struggling to get quick access to benefits, and many of them have already been hit hard by austerity measures imposed by this government.

So can I pose a question for our local MPs? How, and for what reason, have MPs been granted £10,000 to enable them to work from home? How are they using this grant? And why is a similar sum not available immediately to those who are self-employed or who have been laid off and find themselves at home.

After all it was this government who coined the cliché “We’re all in this together”.

Lyn Hazel, Jan Frances, Steve Grist Monnington on Wye