DO you want an opportunity to celebrate the maternal figures in your life?

A special "Mums the Word" event is being held at the Baptist Church.

‘Following the success of the recent LEAF (Locally Encouraging All to Flourish) event ‘Signs of Spring’ in the Ledbury Primary School Forest School, enjoyed by lots of local families, ‘Mums the Word’ is being held on Saturday 18 March 2023, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm at the Ledbury Baptist Church on the Homend.

This is a fun event for children, mums, any other relatives including dads, for families to enjoy craft activities ahead of Mothering Sunday the next day.

Essentially to celebrate mums or any other relative/friend we love.

There will be a wide variety of craft activities, including, cards, bags, posies etc. games and music to enjoy. Come and get creative.

This will be accompanied by refreshments, tea, coffee, etc. and copious amounts of cake! The event is free of charge and all are welcome.

Children must be accompanied, suitable for babies upwards. For more information contact: