Ledbury Women’s Institute is among many such groups which meet regularly in town.

They meet at 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month at the Parish Hall , the Catholic Church of the Most Holy Trinity, New Street. Ledbury HR8 2EE

The Ledbury WI is a lively group of women, part of the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the country.

The Women’s Institute was formed in 1915 with the Ledbury branch being set up in 1959.

Over the years WI members nationally have successfully campaigned on many issues - current campaigns include the raising of awareness of autism and ADHD in women and girls and campaigning for clean rivers for people and wildlife.

The National average age of membership is 50-60 but membership is open to all women over 18.

The annual subscription is £46.

They have a range of speakers at our meetings together with social time and refreshments.

For members who have recently moved to Ledbury it’s the perfect place to make friends and acquire local knowledge.

Members enjoy an annual challenge to learn a new skill - recent years include rifle shooting, archery and skittles.

Newcomers are always given a friendly welcome . For more information ring 01531 636808