MIDSUMMER have had an amazing first term and their spirit of collaboration and enthusiasm has been paramount throughout.

Although there have been many highlights where Midsummer have shone with their eagerness to participate and demonstrate their overwhelmingly caring nature, from House Sport competitions to the recent Christmas Shoe Box appeal, one autumnal afternoon still remains a heart warming memory: the Midsummer Alternative Sports Afternoon.

Instead of our usual assembly, we decided to enjoy the last of the fast-fading afternoon sun and go out onto the astroturf and have some good old-fashioned fun.

No competition between the houses, just an opportunity to work together as a team in our tutor groups and quite simply have a giggle.

The photos speak for themselves and the atmosphere during the activities was one of relaxed togetherness: Midsummerites bonding and relaxing, enjoying time with their tutors and one another. This Friday sees the annual Gag Idol competition, a little festive cheer before we finish for the Christmas break – just what is needed.

Mrs Metcalfe.