IN Malvern it seems the one thing that our planning system brings us is irony.

Up before our councillors is a development for 50 homes in Welland (soon to be Welland garden city if they have any more planning applications).

Having just read the documents, I find that the applicants have not had a bat survey done.

Have not provided up to date information on the greater crested newts that live on the site.

That the Worcestershire wildlife trust object, as do the area of outstanding natural beauty group.

The parish council and residents' group reject the plans.

Concern for damage to a unique site of special scientific interest is raised.

The planners have recommended refusal on the basis that if the development was approved the damage and harm could not be mitigated.

It would seem the developer here is riding roughshod over all that is precious to those who hold ecology and conservation and the protection of our environment dear.

So the irony is that the landowner is none other than the councillor for the area, the assistant portfolio holder for localism and the vice-chairman of the Malvern Hills Conservators Roger Cousins.

Perhaps not so keen on protecting the local environment after all.

Sarah Rouse

Leigh Sinton